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Jaarlicentie Digitale SVH Theorieboeken Keuken (Engels)

The license for the Digital Theory Books Kitchen is a supplement to online learning. With this license, you will have access to all the digital theory books that are part of the learning resources series for Chef (NLQF2) and Autonomous Chef (NLQF3).  

Digital theory books
The digital theory books serve as reference material and provide a clear overview of the technical skills. They explain the theory behind the techniques and prepare you for the (practical) lessons. The digital theory books contain a lot of visual content, such as photos, illustrations, and overviews.

With this license, you will have access to the following digital theory books:

  • Working as a Chef
  • Knowing your Food Products 1
  • Knowing your Food Products 2
  • Knowing your Cooking Techniques 1
  • Knowing your Cooking Techniques 2
  • Knowing your Beverages 1

The online license is valid for 12 months after activation. Activate your license within 12 months, otherwise it will expire.

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€ 75,00
ISBN 9789493215436
Uitgever SVH

SVH Meesterschenkers, daar staan wij achter.